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Rattle Snakes

Generally rattle snakes avoid humans so they rarely bite if we are not provoked them. Most victims are males, young or drunk! Click here for more information...

Friday, August 3, 2012

The king cobra : Longest venomous snake in the world

The king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is the world's longest venomous snake, with a length up to 5.6 m (18.5 ft). This species, which preys chiefly on other snakes, is found predominantly in forests from India through Southeast Asia to Indonesia and the Philippines. Despite the word "cobra" in its name, this snake is not a member of Naja ("true cobras") but belongs to its own genus. The king cobra is considered to be a dangerous snake. It has cultural significance as well. The king cobra averages at 3 to 4 m (9.8 to 13 ft) in length and typically...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Green Anaconda : most massive snake in the world

Green Anaconda is a giant snake which is also called  Anaconda, Common Anaconda and Water Boa. Local names in South America include the Spanish term mata-toro, meaning "bull killer", and the Native American terms sucuri (Tupi) and yaqumama in the Peruvian Amazon, which means "mother of the water" in the Quechua language of the jungle people Yaqurunas or "water people". According to the above names I think you might have some idea about these predators! Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain...

Black mamba : The most venomous land snake in the world

As I promised in my first article about “rattle snakes”, today we discuss about Black mamba : “The most venomous land snake in the world”.  Black mamba is the longest venomous snake in Africa (2.5m – 3.2 m); some times grows up to 4 m. They also called common black mamba. They are also fastest snake (16 km/h to 20km/h) in the world. They are highly venomous and   aggressive. The name of “black mamba” is not for their black color skin it’s for coloration of their inside of the mouth! Younger snakes lighter than their adults. Their...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rattle snakes

Hi guys, This is the beginning of the most interesting lecture series about snakes in all over the world! First of all I should tell you why I writing about snakes.. Snakes are my favorite animals because I like their dreadful look! So I have read lot of books & articles about them and also I myself research about them , take their photos and many other things were done as a beginner to collect some knowledge! I must tell you I am not a professional or I am not a scientist but I have some knowledge and now I am going to share it with you! OK!...