Rattle Snakes
Generally rattle snakes avoid humans so they rarely bite if we are not provoked them. Most victims are males, young or drunk! Click here for more information...
Green Anaconda
There is a $50,000 cash reward for anyone that can catch an anaconda 30 ft (9.1 m) or longer, but the prize has not been claimed yet.. Click here to more information!

King Cobra
The picture of the killer of a king cobra stays in the eyes of the snake, which is later picked up by the partner and is used to hunt down the killer for revenge. Due to this myth, whenever a cobra is killed, especially in India, the head is either crushed or burned to damage the eyes completely!

Yellow Bellied Sea Snake
Yellow Bellied Sea Snake is coming soon!
Black Mamba : most venomous land snake
The adult black mamba have no enemies or predators! When they travel for hunting the head is raised above the ground. They frees before attack to the pray. Then give several bites swiftly. Click here for more information!